In the dynamic realm of European transportation, PWM’s price sign, linked to the PWM Cloud, facilitates seamless digital transformation for service stations, offering real-time price control and innovative advertising integration through “dooh-it” to redefine the industry landscape.
The European transportation landscape is currently undergoing a profound transformation, primarily driven by the increasing prevalence of electric vehicles. The widespread adoption of digital advertising spaces at service stations and rest areas also underscores the urgent need for service station operators to strategically adapt to these changes, not only to remain competitive but also to take a pioneering role.
Particularly, the value of a price sign by PWM becomes evident, as its modular structure allows existing installations to be effortlessly and effectively upgraded with power price modules or RGB boards.
Digital transformation through the cloud
Digital transformation is achieved by connecting the price sign to the PWM Cloud. With the help of the Control Gate, PWM customers can transmit electricity and fuel prices to the price sign via the cloud. Price transmission at the point of sale (POS) is still possible as all common serial interface are onboard the newly developped Control Gate. “Customers have the flexibility to integrate their own system via the PWM API interface or access the clear PWM dashboard to have the perfect overview of all their stations,” explains Esther Müller, Sales Manager at PWM. This PWM solution enables service station operators to efficiently manage their prices in real-time, seamlessly communicating between different platforms and systems. This not only contributes to improved operational efficiency but also ensures that service stations can flexibly respond to changing market conditions.
Into the future together: PWM as a partner for digital out-of-home solution with dooh-it
The shift in mobility not only presents challenges but also opens up innovative advertising opportunities, which PWM significantly advances with “dooh-it.” The flexible Content Management System (CMS) ensures the smooth integration of advertising content and prices on virtually all screens at the service station, regardless of their origin – whether it be the point of sale or the cloud. “Through the complete integration of services, information, and flexible advertising, a future emerges where gas stations not only sell fuels or electricity but also provide a comprehensive and contemporary customer experience,” emphasizes Lars Miketta, Project Manager of “dooh-it.”
Developments in electric mobility and intelligent price displays mark a crucial step in the transformation of the service station industry. Adapting to these changes not only enables long-term competitiveness but also proactive leadership in a changing market. PWM positions itself as a partner that actively shapes the future of service stations by providing innovative solutions for efficient content and information management, as well as the integration of digital out-of-home advertising. The vision of a service station as a place for comprehensive customer experiences is thus drawing closer, with PWM’s flexibility and adaptability playing a central role in this transformation.